What is Team Awesome?
Team Awesome is a group of enthusiastic runners (and social media fanatics) who are participating in the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend and want to share updates about their training and race weekend information, as well as support other runners along the way.
Sadly only a part of them could fit into the photo below, however, you can see and read about all of my AWESOME team-mates here:
As mentioned, I have signed up for the Ottawa Marathon. Actually there are many different races throughout the Ottawa Race Weekend:
On Saturday 23rd May you can run 2km, 5km or 10km, and on Sunday 24th May you can run Half-Marathon (21.1km) or Marathon (42.2km).
And for the avid runners there are challenges which combines multiple of the races Saturday and/or Sunday. The challenges have increased in popularity in the past years.
Have you signed up yet? 👍😃
Training for my marathon has begun, and as the race is in end of May, most of the training is during the winter, which means lots of snow, freezing temperature and a frosty beard.
So far this year I'm on +1800km and aiming for 2019km, leaving somewhat 200km for the rest of the year, which should be within reach. Of races for 2020, I have of course signed up for Ottawa Marathon, and have my eyes on a few more races. More on that later...
Till then, see ya out there!
Best M.
November 16th 2019 |
November 12th 2019 |
October 22nd 2019 |
October 10th 2019 |