I find the process of signing up for at race - in particular those of distances I haven't run before - a hard decision to make, although it should be fairly easy: book - pay - run!
Let's see how many I actually get to do ;-)
2020 [Year of the COVID19]:
- Ottawa Marathon, 24th May 2020 [Signed up] [CANCELLED]
A no-brainer for me as I have 5minutes of walk to the start line... Great and well structured/ organized event.
Gone Virtual...
- Black Fly Trail Race - 3h/6h/12h [TBD] [CANCELLED]
- Sri Chinmoy Ultras 2020 - 100k, 25 July 2020 [Signed up][CANCELLED]
There are a lot of different distances and times to do, however, all on a 1.8km loop. 😎
- Midnight Moose Ultra - 100k trail[CANCELLED]
The Midnight Moose Ultra is a night-time ultra-trail race with distances of approximately 25km, 50km and 100km across some of the toughest running and mountain-biking trails in the Gatineau Park.
- Ottawa Marathon, ??th May 2021 [TBD]
A no-brainer for me as I have 5minutes of walk to the start line... Great and well structured/ organized event.
- Black Fly Trail Race - 3h/6h/12h [TBD]
- Sri Chinmoy Ultras 20210 - 100k, ?? July 2020 [TBD]
There are a lot of different distances and times to do, however, all on a 1.8km loop. 😎
- Midnight Moose Ultra - 100k trail[TBD]
The Midnight Moose Ultra is a night-time ultra-trail race with distances of approximately 25km, 50km and 100km across some of the toughest running and mountain-biking trails in the Gatineau Park.
- Quebec Mega Trail 100k???
- September: 100 Miles - Around the isle of Mors (DK)???
A 100 mile run round an island close to where i grew up :-)
- UTMB, CCC or similar
- Fire and Ice - Iceland
- Hardrock 100 - Silverton, US
- Western State 100 - US
- Grand-to-Grand - US
- Rim to Rim to Rim, Grand Canyon, US
Well described how to do your own run here
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